About Us
Tosche Station is Calgary’s Premier Star Wars Fan club. We are always looking for new members and would be more than happy to welcome you to our group if you live in the Calgary Area.
Tosche Station is a Social Club. As opposed to our friends in the Star Wars costuming groups, our group isn’t centered around costuming, and you don’t need one in order to join. We’re about hanging out, having fun, and doing some good for the community in the name of Star Wars. Our members’ interests span the entire spectrum of geekdom and include collecting, costuming, prop building, charity support, fan fiction, and much more.
Tosche Station is Calgarys local chapter of FanForce, an international organization of Star Wars fans. FanForce is the physical, grass-roots extension of TheForce.net‘s global, online presence.

Who We Are.
“Tosche Station” is a non-profit social club comprised of individuals who enjoy the Star Wars films and other aspects of the Star Wars franchise.
Our club was created to give Star Wars fans in the Calgary area a chance to socialize and engage in activities relating to Star Wars and Fandom in general.
Regular activities include Monthly Meetings, Pub Nights and Movie Screenings to bring together the varied Star Wars fans, collectors, gamers, and costumers in Calgary. To attend these meeting you must be 18 as we cannot be responsible for anybody who is underage. No, we do not have an underage policy at this time.
We strive to keep Star Wars alive in the eyes of the Calgary community and endeavor to give back to the community through charitable events.
Tosche Station has been the officially recognized FanForce chapter for Calgary, Alberta, and the surrounding areas since March 24, 2005.